Class: Designing & Prototyping (ME 211)
Year: Spring 2018
Goal: Create a novel arcade game, using both mechanical and electrical components.
Interactive, collaborative arcade game for two+ people
modular maze programmed to change each time the maze is solved
smooth pulleys and gliding system, with custom made handles that are easy to grip
LCD screen that displays current score, highest scores, and time remaining
all electronics encased to ensure safety and robustness of the game
Technical Details
"Maze Runner" was the result of several iterations and modifications. Several design cycles were conducted to ensure that the game was fully functional, easy to use, safe, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, fun to play.
In order to ensure safety and functionality of the game, all electronics were incased in a separate box layer underneath the main gameboard with the maze. The electronics box was connected with a hinge to the gameboard, making it easy to troubleshoot the circuit as it was detachable.
The pulleys and handles were modified numerous times to ensure that it was strong, and also comfortable to hold. The connection between the handles and the rod were also tested several times to ensure smooth movement, with different number/type of spacers and lubricants.
To add to the "fun," the game itself was modular- each time the team completed the maze, the maze changed, and the players will have to attempt to solve the new maze as fast as they could while collaborating. Selected walls were made modular with servo motors attached to them, rotating 90, 180, or 270 degrees to create a new maze configuration. The score and time remaining were both shown on the LCD display on the arcade box, encouraging players to solve the maze faster.
Initial game concepts had the two players attempt to solve the maze against each other, as a competition. Some versions of the game also had "traps," where balls could fall into the hole, preventing the players from navigating the maze with said ball. However, these features were abandoned as the game itself proved to be challenging enough. Also, collaboration encouraged teamwork, and also reminded the players how difficult but important communication is.
All parts of the game was designed, modeled, prototyped, and programmed from scratch.